Image taken on Aug 2, 2022, 15:41 by Luke Williams

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Bark Minette Dog Park


Bark Minette Dog Park LogoThe new Bark Minette Dog Park is located at 1300 Bradley Avenue at the Bay Minette Municipal Pool Complex. The dog park features separate areas for small and large dogs, fun apparatuses, watering stations and benches.

The dog park was made possible primarily through donations from private individuals along with city support. Rules will be posted at the park.

Donations for continued park improvements can be mailed to City of Bay Minette, Attn: Dog Park Project, 301 D’Olive Street, Bay Minette, AL 36507. For sponsorship information, click here


Park Rules

Hours: Daylight to Dusk.

Use of this facility is at your own risk.

The City of Bay Minette is not liable for any action, injury or damage caused in this off-leash area. Users assume legal responsibility for the behavior of their dogs. Dogs must be accompanied by a person at least 14-years of age when inside the enclosure.

Dog Owners Must

  • Leash dog prior to entering and upon exiting the park.
  • Assure that dog(s) are up-to-date on vaccines/rabies and that current tags are worn by dog at all times.
  • Clean up after your dog and dispose of waste in designated containers.
  • Keep dog under visual and voice control. Never leave dog unattended.
  • Immediately leave park if aggressive behavior is observed.
  • Supervise children under 14-years of age.
  • Stop dog from digging and fill any holes caused by their dog.


Strictly Prohibited Within Park

  • NO food or snacks or drinks other than water.
  • NO puppies under 4-months of age.
  • NO more than three dogs per user/owner.
  • NO Female dogs in heat.
  • NO Dogs with a known history of aggressive behavior.
  • NO Children under 10-years of age.
  • NO Running or shouting.
  • NO Chasing dogs.
  • NO Smoking.
  • NO Glass containers.
  • NO Choke chains, pronged training/studded collars.
  • NO other animals are allowed in park area.
  • NO professional trainers may use the off-leash dog area for conduct of their business.

To report a violation, please call 251-580-2559.