Image taken on Aug 2, 2022, 15:41 by Luke Williams

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Library Award

The Bay Minette Public Library was recently awarded a $5,000 Library Services and Technology Act grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The grant funding was used to purchase downloadable content for the library's Boundless collection -- View Collection. The collection can be accessed online via the website or by downloading the app to your phone or other handheld devices. The collection features eBooks and downloadable audiobooks that currently have a long hold's list. Library card holders can place an item "on hold" to be placed on a waiting list for a popular item. Print is still king for many reader,s but if you just can't wait to get your hands on the next Kristin Hannah or James Patterson title, you can read it or listen to it on your handheld devices.

"As pillars of our communities, libraries and museums bring people together by providing important programs, services, and collections. These institutions are trusted spaces where people can learn, explore and grow,” said IMLS Director Crosby Kemper. “IMLS is proud to support their initiatives through our grants as they educate and enhance their communities."

Visit the Institute of Museum and Library Services Facebook Page to Learn More

The grant was written by BMPL library director Joanna Bailey to augment and expand the library’s current digital audiobook and eBook collection on Boundless by Baker and Taylor. The beauty of Boundless is that the collection is available only to the patrons of the Bay Minette Public Library. Unlike the Camellia Net collection which is part of the statewide consortium and open to all Alabama library card holders.

The grant funding made it possible to purchase 114 items with almost all of the titles available in both downloadable audio and eBook formats.

“We are so happy to offer this amazing resource to our patrons,” Bailey said. “And it’s all available free with your library card!”