District 1, 2, 3, and 5
District 4
Date | Information | Code of Alabama, 1975 - Section Number |
26-Aug-24 | First day candidates can raise or spend money. | 17-5-7(b)(2) |
28-May-25 | Last day a person can become a resident of the municipality in order to become a candidate. | 11-46-25(g) 11-43-63 |
10-Jun-25 | Mayor will give notice of the election. | 11-46-22(a) |
10-Jun-25 | Candidates may begin qualifying at City Hall once notice is published. Qualifying forms are available from the City Clerk after publication. | 11-46-22(a) |
Candidates must file a Statement of Economic Interests form with the Alabama Ethics Commission in order to appear on the ballot. For questions regarding the Statement of Economic Interests form, please call the Alabama Ethics Commission at 334-242-2997. | 36-25-15(a) | |
24-Jun-25 | Last day, by 5:00 p.m., to qualify to run for municipal office. | 11-46-25(g) |
27-Jul-25 | Last day to establish residency to vote in municipal general election. | 11-46-38(b) |
19-Aug-25 | Last day to apply for an absentee ballot by mail | 17-11-3(b) |
21-Aug-25 | Last day to apply for an absentee ballot in person | 17-11-3(b) |
25-Aug-25 | Last day to hand-deliver an absentee ballot | 17-11-3(b) |
26-Aug-25 | ELECTION DAYAbsentee ballots returned by mail must be received by noon | 11-46-28(a) |
26-Aug-25 | All polling places shall be open for voting from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. | 11-46-28(a) |
Date | Information | Code of Alabama, 1975 - Section Number |
8-Sep-25 | Last day to register to vote for the run-off election. | 11-46-38 17-3-50 |
23-Sep-25 | RUN-OFF ELECTION DAY | |
23-Sep-25 | All polling places shall be open for voting from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. | 11-46-28(a) |
Rita Diedtrich, MMC
phone: 251.580.1637
fax: 251.580.2573
City Council Meeting Schedule
2024-2025 City Council Meeting Schedule
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